Oh It's Been a Month Already

A month goes by fast...

I looked at the date yesterday (7/25) and I was a little shocked that it's almost been a month since I wrote my last blog post. I thought I would recap what I've done since I finished the Pug switch. The most noticeable switch is the color choice on the website. blog_pageThe goal was the make the website look more "comfortable" to view. I'm not sure what the specific word is, but the previousdesignwith the purple and greyish-white did not blend well together. Now, I feel that the elements do blend together better. I think this is because the boxes no longer harshly contrast with the background. Instead, I mainly used shadows around the boxes to make them pop out subtly. I also added a link to my resumé and began working on the index page. Currently, I am finishing the index page as well as making the website mobile-friendly.

I love discussion posts

I am currently in week 4 of 8 for my summer quarter at Clark College. I will be graduating with my Associate's in Science after this quarter! My schedule is digital photography, Survey of Biology, and a health class called Occupational Wellness. It's a fairly easy load, and I am actually working on assignments due days from now. In fact, I love discussion posts so much, I just did my posts for week 7 in my health class.

I'm kidding, I'm doing them because they're easy to get done. Most of my discussion posts (especially for my health class) have been my opinion on a matter. I can spew my opinion in 200 words fairly quickly, but doing my photography assignments have been a decent challenge. I am new to digital photography, and I have been struggling to find what to take pictures of. Don't get me wrong, I am still finishing assignments early, however not at the same speed as my two other classes. Photography will be a nice skill to have, however I wish I could have just taken a web development class to fulfill my art requirement. I think that makes sense: a class about HTML/CSS for "art"? Front-end definitely is an art. Oh well.

Anyway, it is almost midnight, and I like to go to bed by 10pm. I should really get to bed. Until the next time!
